Little Qualicum Falls, Vancouver Island

Little Qualicum Falls is so named not because the falls are little but because they are on the Little Qualicum River. There is a Big Qualicum River which can claim superiority. It crosses Vancouver Island from East to West and has a walkable trail along the whole ten kilometres. I learned this today from a friend who knows a lot more than I do about the rivers, the trails, and the falls.

We spent a delightful morning on the trails near the falls and I took a lot of photos of the trail, the trees, the fungi, and the falls which I will post in due course. Here to whet your appetite, is a video of the falls which were in full flood after a month of rain. You should come here!


  1. Nice pics. Looks like it is time for another trip to the falls. Little mountain and Englishman River Falls are nice if you are still local. A couple of pods of Orcas were visible today heading up island past Qualicam. Enjoy your visit.

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