Interior Design Forehead Slap

Today I realized that I have been thinking about my living room space in entirely the wrong ways. It is complicated because the room has several walls that are not at 90 degree angles. Also, I got advice from an interior designer about a year ago that tunnelled my vision.

Then I saw a post on Facebook (which I will not identify) that pointed out how adding some furniture can sometimes increase the feeling of space, not decrease it. Mind blown.

So, this evening, I shuffled my furniture around and … ta daaa! More space.



The difference is subtle, but significant! I now have space to exercise on my rug, if ever the inspiration strikes.

Oh, and the puzzle is close to completion. A month or so will see it done.


  1. Nice! A new look just by moving things around. I’m in the process of building a new house and when they asked me what kind of floor I wanted, I said, “one I can move furniture on without damaging it”. I love to move things around, and Lee does too.

  2. I was about to say, I love the flooring you chose and the couches. Your place has so much natural sunlight 🙂

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